Shelter Library – Home

September 13, 2018


Over the next few months, we will be adding resources we think are useful to our goal—improving building practices in remote communities. Our focus is on remote indigenous communities in Canada, but we are hopeful that people with the same goal in other remote communities will find it useful too. 

We will be posting only material that can be viewed, for free, by anyone. However, depending on the material, you may have get permission to use it for anything beyond reading it and telling others about it. So, for instance:

  • a credit may be required if something is used in a presentation
  • a document may require permission before multiple copies can be distributed and handed out
  • a drawing may require an engineer’s stamp on it before it can be used to build something
  • if you use a plan to build something, you may need to pay the creator of those plans
  • a curriculum may have to be delivered by a certified instructor

Any restrictions on use will be noted on the first page of the document. By downloading a document, you are agreeing to abide by those restrictions.

If you have material that you think will help us achieve our goal, you are welcome to submit it to us. You do this using the Contact Us page and letting us know you what you have to contribute. We’ll ask you for a few details, and ask you to affirm that you have the right to post the material you are offering.

To start with, this website will look pretty informal. As we add more materials, it will probably begin to take on a look that is more like an online library or archive. 

Please note:

  • The Shelter Library is “staffed” entirely by volunteers. We will post material as soon as we can, but we are not promising to do so within a certain number of hours or days.
  • We are not promising to post everything everyone submits.
  • The materials you will find on this website are not offered with any type of guarantee or warranty whatsoever.  Use at your own risk.